What are Salad Community Challenges?

We've officially introduced Community Challenges, an ongoing series of collaborative missions that invite every Salad Chef to participate and unlock bonus rewards for the whole Kitchen. You'll see the status of any current Community Challenges displayed as a progress bar when you boot up Salad.


What exactly are Community Challenges?
The Community Challenges are missions and tasks for the Chefs to complete and participate in to unlock bonuses and rewards for the whole Kitchen. This can range from boosts to earnings, to rewards, and more. 


How do they work?

Whilst every Challenge may be a little different, most will usually focus on completing goals as a community, such as reaching a certain XP goal worldwide, or donating a certain amount to charities.


Do I need to take part in it to earn the rewards?

No, everyone will get the rewards, whether you participate or not, however participating yourself will help ensure the bonus is earned for yourself and all the Chefs.


Is there anything I need to do to be included?

All users are automatically entered into it. To be able to claim the reward, simply log into the Salad application after the Community Challenge has ended, between the hours of 5PM MT Friday - 6AM MT Monday. If you only open the application after, or before, this time, you will not receive the bonus. 


If I contribute more, will I get a bigger reward?

With our Community Challenges, everyone gets the same reward. Personal Challenges, and extra bonuses for yourself may come in the future. 


Can I take part in multiple challenges?

Yes, you can take part in all of the challenges, you are not limited to be a part of just a single one.


What if I don't want to take part, can I say no?

Community Challenges include everyone, if the goal is reached by the end of the time period, all users will receive the bonuses. There is no way to opt-out of these.

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